

Page history last edited by Allen Swanson 13 years, 6 months ago

   Scratch and Games that Make You Think 

Emily Mann, and Allen Swanson Technology Integration Specialists for Pima County Schools

A Big Thanks to Friend and Coconino & Mohave Counties Technology Integration Specialist Bonnie Feather for all Her Resources and Creations!


Research Articles


Fall 2011 Agenda

Digital Handouts

Workshop Design Guide (pp. 16-21 - Guide also contains activity cards)

Getting Started Guide (pp. 3-12 have activity directions)

15 Activities on Cards  (same as Lesson Ideas, but easier to cut apart)

Lesson Ideas from Design Studio at Scratch Day

Programming Concepts in Scratch

An overview of the computational concepts and skills young people can develop by creating with Scratch

Creating with ScratchLearning with Scratch, and Programming with Scratch

A collection of one-page overviews on what and how people can create, learn and program with Scratch

Let's Play - resources for game creation from Karen Brennan on ScratchEd



Some Examples

Guides and Projects for Using

Scratch Educator's Page (almost all resources to get you started)

Learn Scratch - videos and lessons

Getting Started with Scratch, Tutorials, Project Cards and Many Scratch Resources from MIT

Scratch Wiki (MIT)

Video Tutorials from MIT


To Use with Student

Scratch Tutorials and Projects from Nebo Elementary Department of Arts - Great! for independent learning

Projects from Mr. at Nebo Elementary

Scratch Exercise 1.doc         Scratch Exercise 2.doc           Scratch Exercise 3.doc

Scratch Programming Project.doc

 basic_pong_directions.pdf A Basic Pong Game (Bonnie Feathers, Coconino & Mojave TIS)


Video Tutorials (from Scratch Support) - Great! Add effects, a beat, make a dance and conversation between Sprites

Scratch Activities by Richard Wiktorowicz

iQuest Lessons About Me, Scratch an Element, Talk of the Town, Food Chain


Example Scratch Programs from from Scratch.mit.edu

  (Download Scratch first - you do not need to create an account)

Projects Gallery

one-sprite-composer.sb       Music_Maker_1.0[1].sb      FishChomp.sb     fish.sb      electric_piano.sb

drum1randomsound.sb        dogchasecat.sb      Dance Dance.sb         Cups.sb

There is a well-developed and extensive user community that offers a forum and a place for "programmers" to post their work.  It is exciting to see student projects and their pride in their creations.  See the Projects, Gallery and Forum sections of the site.


Communicate and Collaborate

Scratch Ed for Teachers


3-D Integration

We Do WeDo Scratch with Lego Integration

PicoBoards (SensorBoards - create interactive robots, musical sculpture & More)



Other Resources (recommended by Wes Fryer)


What Worked, What didn't - get us ready for tomorrow


Other Great Games

Launchball (from www.sciencemuseum.org.uk) 

Magic Pen


Purposeful Stumbling...

"A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience." ~~ Elbert Hubbard


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