Digital Storytelling
Part II (April 8th)
Show Examples
from iTunes Our City Podcast on Phoenix
Showcase & Reflections
Evaluation with PBL Checklist
Evaluate 3 digital stories using supplied rubrics. DSrubric.pdf
Create a digital story from supplied content.
Use supplied checklist while creating the story. DSchecklist.pdf
Evaluate student stories with supplied rubrics.
Part I
Why do we tell stories? on PhotoPeach
Big Ideas:
Why do we tell stories?
What does the past tell us about today?
Why do we preserve the past for the future?
'To the Point' Ideas:
What makes a digital story good?
In what ways can we tell our stories?
What is necessary to tell a story with a computer?
Questions for today:
What questions would you wanted to be asked if someone wanted to know you better?
What questions would you ask someone if you wanted to know more about the changes they have seen in their lives?
Example Stories Created by Students
Our City Podcasts (Tony Vincent facilitated with students)
Celebrate Oklahoma Voices (Wes Fryer project)
The best creative video ever (Daft Punk)
Technical things:
- How do you record sound to be included in a slide show?
- How do you get that sound into the computer?
- How do you use Audacity to edit the sound to remove noise, introduce silence, take out mistakes??? audacity-quickstart.pdf
- What is the best choice for getting pictures into the computer? Digital camera, scanner, video camera, cell phone, computer camera?
- GCast 1-888-65-GCAST (888-654-2278)
- Yodio -
- Gabcast - 200 MB per user for the free account, and 1 hour per recording
- How do you put together a slide show with audio using Photostory? tutorial.pdf
- What do you do with your story once you are done?
9:00 Intro & Goals - students frame their goals for the day and share it with their table
9:20 Digital Storytelling
- Examples & Definition
- Questions to get to the soul of a story
- students choose questions
- 3 Minutes
9:45 Audacity & (record on phone at same time) or
- Save & create folder on desktop
- Introduce basics (record, cut, amplify, combining & creating multiple tracks)
- Lead Time adjustment
- Introductions (name, school/hometown/occupation, purpose of interview) of interviewer & interviewee
- Q& A
- Summary
- Record as 3 tracks
- Import Music
- Save & Export
11:00 Break
11:10 Photo Story (& pull-out for Gabcast)
- Pull in pics (blank + 5-7 pics)
- Blanks - MS Paint, Image menu, Attributes, set to screen size 1024x768. Use paint-bucket tool to fill screen. Save as JPG.
- Adjust picture play length
Interview Question Ideas
Intro – your name and something jazzy catchy
What do you think about…. The government, President Obama, immigration, ….
Tell me about your neighbors. Have you ever had an interaction with your neighbors?
What changes have you seen in ….
Who did you grow up with?
What was it like growing up?
Where did you grow up?
Where were you raised?
What makes you unique? And not vanilla.
What kind of ice cream would you be? Why?
What do you think about the economic crisis?
How well have you adapted to the changes (from the crisis?)
What have you lived through that is similar to today?
What was your priority as you became an adult?
How was your life as a teen compared to now?
How has the world changed?
Who did you grow up with? Family? Crazy neighbors?
What is the coolest dress you ever wore?
Is your life the way you imagined it as a kid?
How was it living in Mexico? What were the good things about living there?
What was it like for my parents when they were small?
What was the happiest day of your life? What made it happier than other days?
What was a sad time in your life, and why was it sad?
Can you recall what your neighborhood was like when you were little?
Tell me about your first experience with television, music, or video. What has changed since then?
Can you recall a funny story?
Graphic Organizer for projects. Digital Story for Interview Graphic Organizer.doc and a sample: Interview Sample.doc
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