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Personal On Demand broadCASTING - PODCASTING

iPod broadcasting - Podcasting



Utterback Podcast and PhotoStory Workshop April 1, 2011


Google Doc

Newscast in Google Video


Wes Fryer's page of Podcast resources


Educational Examples

Podcasting Stories: http://www.activatedstorytellers.com/podcasting_stories.html

Teacher Podcasts


http://tinyurl.com/yq4tvb (Dan’s Mathcast from EPN)

Mr. Kukla’s Podcasts (Sabino Calc and pre-Calc)

Student Podcasts

Our City Podcast (Tony Vincent and kids around the world)

http://tinyurl.com/3asnjf (ColeyCast from EPN)


BBC - 60 Seconds to Change the World (BBC Forum)


Locating Podcasts

Educational Podcast network http://epnweb.org/

iTunes http://www.apple.com/itunes/  iTunes podcast store Help

Other sources:

Podcast Pickle - http://www.podcastpickle.com/

IT Conversations - http://www.itconversations.com/

The Podcast Directory - http://www.podcast.net/

Digital Podcast - http://www.digitalpodcast.com/

Best Podcasts of 2007 http://www.digitalpodcast.com/podcastnews/best-podcasts-of-2007/


Podcast lesson plans and Ideas

PBS Podcasting Lesson Plan: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/teachers/lessonplans/media/podcasting.html

Podcasting in Schools:  http://www.recap.ltd.uk/articles/podguide3.html


What's Needed to Create a Podcast

Software: Audacity (Mac or PC) or Garageband (Mac only) 

Microphone (built into headphones works well)

Headphones (unless you want to drive your class crazy)

Optional: Hosting Service (most likely you have one of these through your ISP)


Creating Your Own Podcast

Download Audacity:  http://audacity.sourceforge.net

Download LAME: http://www.dlldump.com/download-dll-files_new.php/dllfiles/L/lame_enc.dll/-/download.html


Audacity-How To Video  Training Agenda at end of this page **


Mixing and Special Effects

Exporting (i.e. connecting to LAME and Audacity to make MP3s)

Audacity Manual online: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/manual-1.2/

Audacity Tutorial: http://www.guidesandtutorials.com/audacity-tutorial.html

Audacity Wiki: http://audacityteam.org/wiki/ 

Podcasting Tips: http://podcasts.psu.edu/productiontips

Podcasting Tools: http://www.podcasting-tools.com/

          All about Creative Commons


 Podcasting for Teachers and Students.pdf

 Radio WillowWeb Planning Guide.pdf


 What Makes a Good Podcast.pdf

Cooperative Learning Roles


Interviewing Helpers

Question Generator from Story Corps

Story Corp's Great Questions List


Scripts & Rubrics



 PCast Storyboard 2.pdf

 PCast Storyboard 1.doc

 Podcast Script.doc

 Podcast Rubric 1.doc


Sounds, Music & Free Effects

          From Audacity Plug-ins  Sounds2.zip      Sound Files.zip

Free Music Archive

Jamedo  Search by Tag/Type Search

Jewelbeat - many made specifically for movie background

Public Domain 4 U http://www.publicdomain4u.com/#music

          Creative Commons Mixter http://ccmixter.org/view/media/home  http://ccmixter.org/tags

          Freeplay Music http://www.freeplaymusic.com/

          Garage Band http://www.garageband.com/genre (not from Apple)


Recommendations from the Red Ferret Journal

Warning:  eSchools Article: Jury Awards $675K in Illegal Music Downloading Case (30 songs)


Sound Effects

John Kain's Delicious Bookmarks of Resources


Sound Bible


Posting your Podcast to Posterous and opening it in iTunes

From Tony Vincent on the K12 Center Blog

  1. Create your Posterous account and email your first audio file.
  2. Go to your Posterous blog and right-click the web feed icon Icon. Copy the feed's URL, which is something like http://yoursite.posterous.com/rss.
  3. Paste the link into your classroom or school website. Change the http:// to itpc://. The itpc:// tells web browsers to launch iTunes and subscribe to that feed. When visitors click itpc://yoursite.posterous.com/rss the latest episode begins to download and future episodes will be downloaded automatically. Test this out by clicking itpc://tonyvincent.posterous.com/rss.  or itpc://allenswanson.posterous.com/rss

Podcast Hosting Sites:

Podomatic: http://www.podomatic.com/

PodBean: http://www.podbean.com/

SwitchPod: http://www.switchpod.com/

Mypodcast.com: http://www.mypodcast.com/

Your Own Site

Posting a Podcast to Podomatic

 Podcast Publishing to Podomatic.doc


Project Ideas (from Learning and Leading with Technology Sept/Oct 2008)

Social Studies - a radio broadcast that "goes back in time" to cover a time period and its arts, etertainment, politics, culture, innovation, news, etc

Literacy Projects - Poetry Slams, reading narratives or editorials, book reviews, book trailers

Science - explaining a process or having a conversation about a process and what it is like in real life; news report from inside a system

Math - discuss theory and share ideas for tricks for remembering steps; ah-ha moments when a proof clicked and they "got it."

Foreign Language - travel podcast or digital postcard; re-teach from a student's perspective


Ideas for Podcasts (from Tony Vincent, Radio WillowWeb www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio)

  • Did you know?  Interesting Fact turned into a question
  • Do it Differently    Rule or Situation you want to change. Why, How?
  • Holiday or Culture Spotlight
  • Intersting Interview
  • Bad Joke, Good Joke
  • Sensational Segment
  • Poetry or Proverb Corner
  • Riddle
  • In class…
  • Similes to make you smile
  • Proverb
  • Vocabulary Theater
  • Wonderful Web Site


Podcasting Vocabulary in the News

podcaster - one who creates podcasts

podfaded - a podcast that is outdated and (may have been, should be, has been) removed.

bumper - items that people are interviewed say, like "This is [name] and you're listening to the [title] podcast..."

podsafe - a child appropriate podcast; a website with music that can be used in podcasts: podsafe.org

tweaks - changes in sound via software which gives people 'that' sound. Used by the likes of Linda Ronstadt and Casey Casum.

attribution - giving credit to the source of your music or other information in your podcast


** Audaciousness:  Learning the Tool

1.    Recording a Voice Sample

        1. Record button
        2. I tool (selection tool) – play spacebar, highlight, delete
        3. Envelope tool – increase volume, click to make node, shift from there
        4. Move to end of selection & record again
        5. Name Track
        6. Delete Track

Download these for mixing with your podcast:  Sounds2.zip    Sound Files.zip


2.    Record “This week in class in vocab theater”

        1. Short segments – move them up
        2. Insert music beginning, between, end
        3. Add silence
        4. Review all buttons & show split tracks

Audaciousness:  Creation Time & Practice Practice Practice!

Cottonwood Agenda




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