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Voice Thread Example Projects

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 14 years, 2 months ago

Best PRactices

Weird Inventions

Why do we invent things and how do we know when we have a good idea?  Can you think of something that we need and has not yet been created?


In this Voice Thread you will be seeing some inventions that may be just what you have always been needing.

As you look at them, consider and answer these questions:


  • What does it do?
  • Why were these Created?
  • Who would use these?  Would You?
  • Is it a good idea?
  • How would you improve upon it?


Before recording, plan your response and make notes of what you will say to answer the questions. 

Practice reading your comments and make sure your voice inflection and word choice make you interesting to hear.

Go to http://voicethread.com/share/193074/ for a larger version of this page to add your comments to this voice thread

Login options:

emann@tanq.org  password: tricota

emilyemann@gmail.com   password: tricota

emily.mann@pimaregionalsupport.org     password: tricota

hyena72@hotmail.com  password:  ruvnghtyvt1!




Using VoiceThread to Analyse Writing and Images (the prompts are in text form)




Check these examples to see ways that voice thread could be used.


Student Exchange: Hands Across the Border sharing the Adventure


Scientific Process


Connect people


In lieu of the traditional…


Where did you go this summer project.


Students sharing their work


Showcase student learning


Colaborative student project


Explaining & reflecting on a student project


Teacher & Student voices—Comic Life


To create a “podcast” with which users can interact


This voice thread explains many other ways it could be used...Would love for some of YOU to add your ideas


Voicethread 4 Education - a wiki that collect examples of how educators are using Voicethread with their students or professional development




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