

Page history last edited by Allen Swanson 15 years ago



Google Documents

Collaborative Lesson Plan

Planning for 21st Century Learning


Google Forms


     Warm up & Intake:

Please fill out  this form   Results



- Quick Takes: What Are Google Forms (plays in Adobe Presenter) by Jason Borgen, of California's TICAL group. Jason presents how Google Forms are created and used. This presentation is also available as a PDF file


- How to Create a Quiz with Google Forms teacher created screencast.



[Create a Google Docs account with your current email address - use your @tusd1 address when you register]


Student Homework Survey  - Results


10 Minutes of Research - On your own, please explore three of these links and reflect on how you can use Google Forms

- 10 Google Forms for the Classroom published by a teacher in England. "With the new school year fast approaching for us in England – and well on its way in other parts of the world – I thought I would share 10 ideas for using Forms in the classroom."  

- Google Forms Templates: login to Google Docs to see the list of templates available.

- Ideas for Google Forms in the classroom from Tech Tip Tuesdays.

- Using Google Spreadsheet Form Tool for Free Online Surveys presents an example using sophisticated spreadsheet functions to compile data.

- Using Google Docs Forms and Spreadsheets to Document Classroom Visits


What are your ideas for using Google Forms. Use this form to share!


See other's Answers in the Survey Results


How can you enable students to access a form?

Email it, create a tinyurl to it, or post a link on a web page, wiki, or blog.

Quicky Wiki

Very similar in purpose to Google Docs:  A place to collaboratively share, collect, refine and revise information.  You can link to other sites, images, videos; you can upload and store documents, pdfs, images, videos, sounds, etc., you can do basic formatting, but no one will think it is the work of a professional web desigher.  Information from a Wiki does not go into MS Office programs and does not look very good printed.  It does allow teacher-created student logins and page level access.


Wikis in Plain English, by Common Craft

Transcript of Video


Our other Wiki Pages

Wikis for PD



Teachers using PBWorks with Students

Delicious and Diigo Social Bookmarking Websites 









Diigo Favorite Features:

- Highlight & Annotate

- Floating Stickies

- Sidebar

- Groups & Notifications

- Cross Posting to delicious, blogs, facebook, twitter, etc.

- Teacher Console





















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