10 Minutes of Research - On your own, please explore three of these links and reflect on how you can use Google Forms
- 10 Google Forms for the Classroom published by a teacher in England. "With the new school year fast approaching for us in England – and well on its way in other parts of the world – I thought I would share 10 ideas for using Forms in the classroom."
Email it, create a tinyurl to it, or post a link on a web page, wiki, or blog.
Quicky Wiki
Very similar in purpose to Google Docs: A place to collaboratively share, collect, refine and revise information. You can link to other sites, images, videos; you can upload and store documents, pdfs, images, videos, sounds, etc., you can do basic formatting, but no one will think it is the work of a professional web desigher. Information from a Wiki does not go into MS Office programs and does not look very good printed. It does allow teacher-created student logins and page level access.
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