

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 14 years, 9 months ago

ActivInspire:  The Software

Teacher Board Use Rubric.doc


How can you use the Interactive Whiteboard to deepen student understanding and engagement? 


How and why is this thing better than a dry erase board or pencil and paper?


What will you learn by next meeting and how?


Day One Day 1.flipchart

  • Overview and some demonstration of possibilities for the software
  • introduce software, including toolbar features pen, highlighter, eraser, un-do, re-do
  • inserting new pages
  • using the board to access Online interactives

  Leave thinking about how you can use this with your students this week


Day Two


  • Check in and Q&A
  • Profiles
  • Show where to find more information and training (see below - iTunes &  Promethean Planet)
  • Shapes tool & some reveal techniques
  • Recommend Internet sites & resources

Homework: create an account at prometheanplanet.com and download 2 lessons and 2 resource packs


Day Three


  • Resources Browser

          Explore and search

  • More on shapes and manipulations

          Layers and grouping

  • Introduction to Math Tools
  • Homework:  use the math flipchart to practice with the tools



Day Four

  • IDEAL and Discovery Streaming - using all the resources of Discovery with your board





Other Skills we hope to get to

 - Marquee Toolbar



Some FlipCharts to Get you Started



Resources for Learning More


Promethean Planet


iTunes Video Podcasts

Promethean Planet - ActivTips

Promethean Planet - Teacher Feature

Go to the iTunes Store and search under Promethean and see what you find




Eg: Scott Caufield teaching about searching the Resource Library from ActivTips in iTunes


(Mentions pinning the resource library, image, background and page searches; resource packs downloaded from Promethean Planet)



Applying Higher Level Thinking with Activ (Scott Caulfield)


Activate Your Lesson Design (Amy Beechy)












 IWBs and Student Engagement Best Practices.ppt and  InteractiveWhiteBoard Comparison.xls


Questions to ask yourself to know you are ready to use your Interactive Whiteboard to its potential:


Interactive Whiteboard Resources


Our Favorites

http://thinkfinity.com/ (interactives & resources)

http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vLibrary.html (National Library of Virtual Manipulatives)

http://education.smarttech.com/ste/en-us/ (SMART Educator Resources - search for Notebook files)

http://www.smartboards.typepad.com/ (Teachers Love SmartBoards forum, challenges, resources - great community)

http://delicious.com/ (Social Bookmarking)

http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/  (Image manipulation)

http://streaming.discoveryeducation.com available to Arizona teachers free through IDEAL:  http://ideal.azed.gov. (streaming video)


Interactive Whiteboard Tutorials and Templates


Promethean Training Modules

Promethean Board Tips on Teacher Tube


Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Design Template

Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Design.doc


SMART Board templates for Language Arts, Math, Music, Science and Health, Social Studies, ESL


Geometry http://www.geocities.com/corderkh/smartboard_geometry.html


Provides links to interactive web sites, and SMART Board templates



Search for SMART Notebooks by topic 





SMART Board training materials and tutorials.  On the home page- click on Support for tutorials, Education for curriculum materials.



Posting Flipcharts & Screen Recordings

  Student samples (done using the software, not necessarily at the board)


  Posting Places


Teacher Tube




Suggested Interactive Websites (from Thumann Resources)

Create Music Collaboratively - http://www.muxicall.com/

Make Your Own Flash Activities - http://www.classtools.net/

Virtual - Collaborative Whiteboard - http://skrbl.com/

Create a Talking Picture - http://blabberize.com/

Convert Lists to Mind Maps - http://www.text2mindmap.com/

Comic Strip Generator - http://www.pixton.com/home

Free Flash Resources for Teachers - http://www.sandfields.co.uk/games/games.html

Visual Search Engine - www.searchme.com

Periodic Table - http://www.dayah.com/periodic/


Shine & Write http://www.transum.org/software/SW/

Jim Reed's Mathematics Flash Resources

New Zealand Math Numeracy Project Animations


Video Tutorials

Atomic Learning videos

TeacherTube videos

    Activtips - Containers

    Activtips - Magic Revealer

    Activtips - Using Restrictors


Recording teaching with SmartNotebook and posting online examples PS101


Blogs of Interest



Teachers love smartboards http://smartboards.typepad.com/smartboard/



38 Interesting Ways to use your Interactive Whiteboard


 Additional sites that have resources for the SMART Board





Promethean Specific

Promethean Users Network (ning)



10 Tips for Managing the Use of the Smartboard

Amber Price, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher

The Smartboard is a wonderful tool to use with your students. It is great for whole group, guided practice, and independent practice exercises. You can also use the Smartboard as a center activity. After teaching a workshop on “Getting to Know the Smartboard” my teachers had one main concern: How do I manage the rest of the class while there is only one student who is interacting with the Smartboard at the front of the room? I threw this question back at my teachers  and asked them how they would handle the management issue. Here are some of their tips:

1. Have the students write examples on their own worksheet that is setup like the Smartboard template. For example, if you are doing a Venn

Diagram on the Smartboard, the students should be writing answers in their own Venn Diagram at their desks.

2. Create pre-made answers on pieces of paper that they can place in their own Venn Diagrams at their seats (using paper, cut-and-paste).

3. At our schools, the teachers have plastic rings that can be hooked together to make a Venn Diagram. The students could use these at their

seats for more of a guided practice activity.

4. Provide the students sitting at their seats or in the circle with an activity that corresponds with the activity currently taking place on the

Smartboard. For example, I have had preschool students singing a song (and learning it) while the student at the Smartboard did an interactive

flannel board activity. I played a music cd in the background with the music from Hickory, Dickory Dock. The students sitting in the circle sang

while the helper moved the mouse up and down the clock on the Smartboard.

5. Give students answers or questions on slips of paper, allowing them to take turns coming up to the Smartboard. This will keep them focus on the lesson as they wait for their turn to come. (Reminds me of the zip-around games) For example, each student is given a part of a plant to label. When it is time for that part to be labeled, the student comes up to the Smartboard and either writes the name of the part or clicks and drags the name of the part.

6. Create your own whiteboards for students to use at their desks with laminated white poster board, or have students use individual dry erase boards at their seats. Provide the template for the students to place on top of their “whiteboard.”

Managing the Use of the Smartboard ~ Amber Price ~ 2006

7. Slide in some heavy paper (or a hard copy of the template) into a three ring binder page protector. Students use dry erase markers to write on their pages.

8. Create team activities for use with the Smartboard. Split the class into two teams and let the students take turns from each team to go up to the Smartboard and answer questions (such as math problems).

9. Create a classroom job of “Presenter” or “Vanna” in which a student is responsible for helping with the Smartboard presentations for the week (for example, have that student help move the slides in a Powerpoint from one to the next.)


What is interactive?  Is this better than a chalkboard?

Are the student interacting with the technology or the learning concepts?

Choices+Feedback+Challenge= Interactive

From Jason De Nys




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