
Project-based Learning and Teaching

Page history last edited by Emily Mann 14 years, 5 months ago


How does project-based learning and teaching differ from traditional learning and teaching? Activities

What are the benefits of project-based learning and teaching?

What are the characteristics of projects?

What do projects look like? Typical middle school projects.

How does Activity-based Instruction become Project-based Learning? (View this PPT and suggest how to change activities into projects.)


PBL Resources


Project Design

What steps are taken to design a project?

Why should you include 21st Century skills with state or national standards and learning objectives in your project design?

How do Driving/Essential Questions frame the learning?

What makes an effective project activity?


Project Assessment

How do you assess non-traditional skills and learning objectives?

What role does an assessment timeline play in project-based learning and teaching?

How do you grade projects?


Project Timeline or Project Map



Tasks and Activities


Guiding Learning

Socratic Questioning - Coaching students - Reflection - Cognitive Coachingsm

Collaboration, Cooperative learning, and Self-direction

Technology Literacy/Information Literacy





Project Learning: An Overview

Seymour Papert, a distinguished professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is among a growing group of scholars who support project learning. Read a short introductory article or watch a brief introductory video from Edutopia.com


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