
Rincon T3 Workshop

Page history last edited by Allen Swanson 12 years, 7 months ago

Train the Trainer (T3) of Promethean Workshop


Time Activity
8:30 Sign in and welcome
- Introductions
- Agenda
8:45 AzSIT Registration course link:
9:00 Round Robin - Everyone shares one thing that they have done and are comfortable doing with the Promethean Board. One success story.

Needs Assessement
Form groups with Personal Goals
Goal Setting Options:
Develop Basic Skills with focus on Tools; Create a basic flipchart
Create flipcharts with elements of an EEI flipchart
Create flipcharts to support curriculum

Intro to Getting Started with the Board

Introduction to Engagement flipchart


Student Engagement Strategies

Basic Tools - At the Board http://www.scribd.com/doc/19565442/Ten-Minute-Tasks
Pick a card and work with small group.

FlipChart Development:

Incorporate standard practices for student engagement: Reveals, highlighting, interactive components, web links to content and interactives. See EEI Lesson Plan Template Flipchart



Desktop Tools
Desktop Annotation
Using the camera tool to get a picture vs dragging a picture onto your page.

Copyright - CopyRight Fair Use and Cyberbee
Google Images: using Advanced filter.


11:30 Lunch on your own

Cool Tools


View Erik Yoder's Demonstration Sessions



1:45 Resources:


2:00 Choose flipcharts to explore and add them to the database

See data on recommended flipcharts
3:00 Closure and Reflection with Linoit
3:30 Adjourn

AGENDA - Day 2


Time Activity
8:30 Sign in and welcome
Objectives for Day 2:
  • Identify resources for training
  • Plan PD for next year

11:30 Lunch   
3:30 Adjourn


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